Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I just can not believe this. I have found my way back and am blogging yet again. Not only that but I have discovered a new blogger. He is apparently a resident in the Isles somewhere with a good sense of humor.(sundayclocksarestriking) I love to go to my daughter-in-laws blog...Northern Apostolic Mom. A great way to keep up with my oldest son's family. Tonight his entire family was involved with leading our Wednesday night church service. Jason at the pulpit, Michelle on the piano, Adam on the drums and Nick at the mic singing his heart out to the Lord. Boy, talk about proud grammie moments...proud- you know the humble kind that makes you appreciate God and all He has done..., thankful and a bit amused. The service went well. The Bible lesson good, informative and pertinent. so now that I have had a bit of fun and some lessons and the laundry is done..I will be off to bed.
Good night.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

How Good Life Is

It has been a long time since I have blogged. This electronic thing is hard for me to wrap my brain around some times. Camping trips, wedding receptions, swimming at parks, learning new things and remembering old instructions have filled the recent days with lifes good and wonder - full moments. Stepping out of the comfort zone of the familiear into something new, or never tried alone causes one's heart to dance a bit. Family is so important. It is so crucial for our growth to keep contact with those we love and family not frequently seen. So when I am home I will blog again and try pictures and other fancy stuff, for now I am at work and thrilled to have found this place to once again, try the blogging thing.
Until next time - GBT