Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Which Way Did You Say to Go?

It has been nearly a year; though, the pages of my life have not been empty, not by any means. Honestly, my heart is pounding now. To write again, it is exciting. Writing will be revealing.
 Often I have found that some innermost hidden thoughts come through on these pages. Sometimes I am surprised with what pops up. Sometimes I am amazed. Sometimes embarrassed.
I wonder, what will be discovered here, now that life has taken a drastic turn.
Today, I try not to look ahead, nor plan. I can see the path though, in my minds eye. Just large enough for my footsteps to comfortably tread, not so wide that I'll get lost. I hate that, by the way, getting lost. Beside this new path, open fields full with delicate wild flowers. A small bubbling brook, tickling its way over stones smoothed by its flow, winds its meandering path. A warm breeze, the fragrance of meadow flowers and water. Calm.
That is today's path. At this hour. It changes frequently from moment to moment sometimes.
On this journey, as some call it, my new path, there is as always, has ever been and ever will be the most dearest friend traveling with me. Not beside me, not behind me He is preparing the way ahead and within me to guide. Thankfulness so abundant it is hard to express. I know He is there, and have confidence He will forever remain. I may not see Him always, yet I will forever seek Him, I will forever run to Him, learn of Him, listen for that still small voice. There is none better, none sweeter, none stronger, none wiser. It is my precious Jesus and to Him my life is fully dedicated. I will try not to get distracted, though realistically, I will be.
This new path brings much learning, I am hungry for knowledge. Choices are a part of this path, two mainly. One side good, one side not. I choose compassion and ministry to others. I choose to put aside self and look for opportunities everyday to forgive, and to give. I have wounds, they hurt and they bleed sometimes. Those wounds are covered with the most precious, life giving blood of the One who grieved more than I could ever imagine. I find myself in fellowship with His suffering. It is uncomfortable at times, it is a place I would not have chosen, but I am here and grateful. It is a place I would not ever leave, now that I have been here. If that sounds odd, it is not. The rejoicing found here compares with nothing else. The depth of love, of compassion I am receiving and giving, words cannot describe.
My honey, my love, my sweet Jack has died. He is home with Jesus. But don't you tell me that, from your lips it is not comforting right now. Only the knowledge deep in my soul that it is true comforts. For those who have not experienced grief this deep it is hard for you to understand. That is ok. I understand where you are. Sometimes a hug is better than words.
Now, which way did you say to go? I will go with Jesus.
John 14:6  "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:"