Monday, June 21, 2010

Forever Grateful!

We are so thankful to our wonderful Lord, the hand of Mercy and Grace has been on my love for a long time, we realize not often enough of His protection and His intervention in our lives. Often the hand of the Lord is at work when we don't even know it. Protecting and guiding. Healing and restoring. What can we say to such an awesome Saviour, to such benevolence. I just want to let the world know that Jesus is real, He is true, and He loves all of human kind. He created the world to be a perfect place for us to live ... and when His creation messed up...He made a way for us to be with Him in a perfect place forever... in heaven. Come and dine at the table of the Lord. Come drink from the Fountain of Life, and you will never ever regret it. Honest!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Colorado Visit

Holly, Nancy, Julie Peter with Front Range Mountains in back ground - from T & C's deck
Oh Look! A Coyote!
Roger, Holly and Rod on the OMG road!
Jack and Peter at Red Rocks Park!

Resting in warm waters after a very very busy day of touring around Colorado and enjoying good food

Peter at Red Rocks Park
Julie Peter Holly Nancy
Can not begin to tell the absolute joy of having my sisters and brother visit us here in Colorado. We were all together for four fabulous days of adventure and (perhaps not a surprise to many) gastronomic delights of the southwestern variety. Mexican and barbecue so very good. Holly and Rod flew in on Wednesday late afternoon, spending some time in downtown Denver touring around. Nancy Roger and Peter arrived Thursday and we met up at our house in Thornton after those staying at a hotel got belongings there. Peter stayed with us. What a glorious reunion! Sharing our love and closeness as a family, basking in the presence of each other. Accepting caring loving anticipating planning the days to come. The first evening we gathered at Cinzetti's Italian Market for a buffet style feast with Jack's niece Jane, Jack's sister Joy and granddaughter Samantha, Terry, Colleen, Nori, Belinda, Kyoshi, Ben, Stacy and their children Meghan, Michael and Elana, lastly but not least, Julie Conant and her precious daughter Vesper.
Friday brought wonderful Colorado adventures - Peter, Jack and Julie to Red Rocks Park and the Denver Museum of Science and Nature...and of course a scrumptious Mexican lunch at one of our favorite Mexican Restaurants. We met for Barbecue Friday night after sharing the days adventures. Roger, Rod, Holly and Nancy traveled to Colorado Springs to Pikes Peak, Garden of the Gods, and the Air Force Academy. Lots of pictures and adventure! Dinner Friday night at Famous Dave's Barbecue. OH MY! So good. Saturday Nancy and I went to the Denver National Quilt Show at the Denver Merchandise Mart while Peter, Roger, Rod & Holly went to Golden to the Railroad Museum, then on to Central City ( a gambling mecca) then an unexpected thrill ride over the OMG Road to Idaho Springs and then back to Denver via I70. We met in downtown Denver after the Quilt show and after the thrilled car riders toured Coors Stadium and 16th Street Mall finding their favorite roost at the Tattered Page Book Store. Dinner that night at LaLoma deluxe Mexican Restaurant. Again very yummie. Sunday we gathered for breakfast at The Egg and I, then off to the Mile High Flea Market where we had an old fashioned picture of all taken. That was an adventure, and we each have a wonderful treasure to keep. Back to the vehicles and off to Boulder to tour Pearl St there for Holly, Rod, Peter, Roger and Nancy. A whirlwind visit to Celestial Seasonings and Leanin Tree Museum, then off the Terry and Colleen's for the grand finale meet up of family. Terry and Colleen's sons David and Andrew joined those who met earlier in the visit at Cinzetti's. Jack's family had previous plans so couldn't join us, and we were sorry they couldn't. The rest of the day was packed with family fun, frolic, tractor rides that that kids loved. Introduction to music for some young-un's and as always great great food. Simple, wonderful array of delicious hamburgers, chicken, mac and cheese and appetizers. Rod and Roger brought "Chocolate Beer!" Thick dark and a bit sweet, a tastely burp maker! A surprise 60th party for Julie, unexpected completely and fun finished the meal. Such fun.
Early morning flights made the evenings end come quickly, so off to our respective roosts for a good nights sleep. Monday morning with flights to catch - we wished each other well, safe travels by phone and in person. The travelers made their flights and arrived home safe, sound and a bit tired. Jack and Julie smiled the day through and felt so at peace and contented. It meant so much to have Nancy, Peter, Holly, Roger and Rod visit. To share our new home. Colorado, Denver and family. An absolutely glorious time.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Amazing Adventure

Me and Jack
Stacy patiently waiting at the ticket counter
Michael climbing the coconut tree
beautiful fish
Ben, Meghan and Elana in front of a huge aquarium scene - Elana awestruck at the fish swimming around
this guy swam up to the window and "grinned" at the audience, "see my teeth" was spooky!

The Downtown Aquarium in Denver is amazing. One of the best I have been to. Lots of beautiful and exotic fish as well as displays of nature scenes, foliage, and animals. Desert scenes and tropical forests, each rounded corner brought in new sights, sounds and smells. We watched divers clean, feed and play with the fish and the spectators. Meghan got her face painted, Mike climbed a coconut tree and Elana got to see a Barbie movie. We ate in the restaurant, which was pricy but excellent cuisine and the atmosphere so much fun. It was an awesome family day!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Good Start

Oh the Olympics! As with any race, a good start is essential! So the Frechette's have begun a race so to speak, to fitness. We all want to get fitter so we can fitter better in smaller clothing, feel fitter and more vibrant and also, it is just plain good for us. So we are to set eating and exercise goals, check in with each other through a private blog (sorry folks) and congratulate and encourage one another. Yesterday we had a most wonderful gathering at Belinda and Nori's...turkey dinner and yummmmm desserts. Warm wonderful family time, sharing and laughing and just plain ole family fun time. That was my next to last, I had scrumptious leftovers in abundance today, full out eating blast until April 29 when Nancy, Peter and Roger arrive, then I cannot guarantee... so TOMORROW I start! Look out fitness world!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Ever Present, Never Ending...CHANGE

Friday. This day is Friday. The near end of my work week. Tomorrow I am on for 7 hours, and only have to go in if urgent cases need to be done during those hours. We hear in the morning. So I am 7 hours away from some true free time. This week we got the news that the hospital where I work has been mandated by its parent corporation to cut its budget by 2.8 million dollars. TWO MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS! At the same time patient care expenditures for necessary equipment (beds, monitors, pumps, OR equipment and renovation etc etc) ... 10 Million is being spent on that project. Last year our hospital performed 200 Bone Marrow Transplants with "very good results". A new hospital is being built on our campus, the Rocky Mountain Hospital For Children. A facility dedicated to high quality care for children at a tertiary care medical center with many specialty services. Just some facts thrown in the mix of information we received. Today was Professional Practice Committee /Council Meeting. Past efforts , goals and information sharing. Then a talk with slide show and video presentation from two nurses who traveled to Haiti to help with the overwhelming needs there. That segment was heart wrenching, many of us were sobbing at the end. One drop in an ocean of need. But then, the ocean is virtually made of innumerable drops, each playing its important minuscule role.

The big news that affected our department is we are loosing a nurse. She is a good friend and has worked three rotations as a travel nurse with us. Her contract has been terminated. She will try to get a job in Denver. Jobs, even in nursing, are at a premium. My hours have been changed. I will pick up more call time, more days a week at less hours per day but still full time. 5 8's rather than 4 10's. A stringent effort to curb overtime and call ins. I am curious how that is supposed to be implemented.

It is a wonderful thing not to be worried about all this. God is in control, so I don't have to worry. I do have to do my part. Be diligent in my relationship with Jesus Christ. Be diligent in my work with an attitude of thankfulness. I do have a job. I do have health insurance ( though my main physician doesn't require insurance, only faith). Maintaining contentment in a world of change is the most wonderful thing. I can rely on Jesus Christ to manage all things. I have my part and I long to share this blessed peace with others. In a world of chaos there is peace. My eyes are set toward the soon coming of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. In the sky, with a shout he will return and my heart is anxiously awaiting meeting Him is the air! Change is inevitable and that is one change I just eagerly await!

Monday, February 1, 2010

2010 - the beginning - Amazing!

January has been a full, rewarding, exciting month! Such a fabulous way to start off the new year. 2010 is off to a good start for us. I have to be honest, it is very fulfilling seeing the events unfold as they have, and I can see God's hand in every thing!

Tucker and George...aren't they and awesome pair..dashing George and cuter than cute Tucker.
George has been in school for plumbing and has also gotten hired on in full time work. With
unemployment nationally at 10% that is so very good! George is a hard worker and once his schooling is finished he will be able to get the work of his choosing I am sure, and with the Lords
help...who knows what may be on the horizon. I believe with the Lords help both George and Laurel will see their dreams come true!

And here is Tucker and Laurel. Tucker still cute as a button and mom, so proud and, in my opinion lovely.Laurel is a hard working mom, dedicated to her family and she deserves lots of accolades. Laurel and George celebrated Tuckers first birthday in grand style. We hear all had a wonderful time and although I was unable to attend, I did receive pictures which are looked at and relished daily. Happy 1st Birthday Tucker! Congratulations George on your job,keep up the great work in your school! Strong work Laurel, you are greatly admired and loved.

In September the Mitchell family moved to Colorado. They came for a visit and felt the call of God to relocate and dedicate their lives to Him. So by faith they moved, placed their children in Christian School and God provided all they needed for 4 months. Places to live, initially with Jack and I, then their own apartment, then a car. Now the amazing thing is Ben did not have a job initially. Yet God was providing things that needed to be paid for. Ben had saved, and used some of his savings, yet God still made a way for them to live with out a job four 4 months. They knew He would provide, and God did! Today Ben started his new job with the State of Colorado. His second interview for the job was last week, and a day later he was offered the job. God is so good! It will be exciting to watch as they continue to dedicate their lives to the Lord and see where He leads and what comes next. Praise the Lord for His constant provision! So thankful to have Ben and Stacy, Meghan, Michael and Elana here in Colorado, they have helped to fill a void in my heart and are constant source of joy for Jack and I. (not that our other children aren't - they all are...Ben and Stace are closest)

The Ziter's have their special news as well. Jason now a full time firefighter/EMT a life long ambition come to pass, with hard work and prayer and persistence. Jason is also a minister with his limited ministerial license and plans to spend the year studying for his General License (between working and family activities). The Ziter's recently moved to a wonderful new home. New community (So Hero), new schools for their two sons Adam and Nick. Jason and I had a wonderful long chat on the phone tonight, and all his news just warmed my heart. Adam and Nick were warmly greeted and made some new acquaintances at their new school. Michelle said her first drive into work was a breeze with little traffic only taking 20 minutes. Jason also works as a Deputy Sheriff for Grand Isle County and will be closer to home for that job. I am excited to see what the Lord will do in Grand Isle County with Holy Ghost filled folks ready to do His will! Praise the Lord for His provision! Praise the Lord for His Goodness and His Mercy and His Grace! Praise the Lord for good outcomes, good reports and a new year starting on such a positive fulfilling note! May God richly bless these wonderful families - from a mom as proud and happy as she can be.

(Jack's picture is supposed to be here...oh well)

Last but by no means least is my wonderful honey, Jack. He recently had a significant health issue, and the Lord protected Jack from dire consequences. Jack is my companion and confidant, he is my source of comfort and strength, my sounding board and shoulder to lean on. I am so grateful that God kept His hand on Jack and that we have more days together to share our families and each other. I pray that Jack's talents the Lord has gifted him with may be used mightily in the coming days and months and years to give God incredible glory! The glory He so rightly deserves.

Grace and peace ones all......

Friday, January 22, 2010

Who would have thought that earlier in the day this picture was taken, Jack suffered a Pulmonary Embolism, blood clot in his lung. He had tuned a piano, walked several flights of stairs that he thought caused him to nearly faint. Sudden shortness of breath, nausea and a feeling of being, as he put it "really sickish". After resting for several minutes, still feeling weak, he drove from Castle Rock to home. A quick afternoon nap and he was ready to go to the park with Ben, Stacy and our grand kids, Meghan, Mike and Elana. We had a grand time at the park and as the sun began to set Jack got chilled. Walking up hill back to the car was a real chore for him and he puffed on some oxygen we had in the car for when we were in high altitudes. Jack slept soundly and on Sunday morning our Pastor asked him to play his clarinet for the evening church service. So home again for a nap and about 45 minutes practice. Jack still short of breath, but felt the nudge of the Lord to play. At church he asked the pastor and Bishop to pray for him before he played. Such anointing. "Just a Closer Walk With Thee" with piano (Ben) and drums (Sam Kelly) really blessed the entire congregation. Jack was thrilled to have to opportunity to use the talent God has gifted him with in such a beautiful and anointed song. Home again, he continued to feel weak and short of breath. Monday he rested all day, little exertion caused a winded sensation. Tuesday resting for the day and in the evening we went to church, afterwards Jack commented on how his breathing was frightening at times, but he was glad to be over "the worst of it", or so it seemed. Wednesday I was up early for work, kissed Jack and headed out, Jack still in bed. By the time I got to work, Jack was on the phone. He could not put his pants on, breathing very difficult. I checked with work and returned home immediately. After a call to our doctor we went to the ER at our local hospital. North Suburban. Tests were inconclusive, but the doctor felt he should be admitted. A day later and some tests in, it was determined Jack had a blood clot from one of his legs let go and travel to his lungs. He survived. He played with his grandchildren, went to church, played his clarinet with the gifted anointing of a master...all with a very serious and life threatening condition! My man is a strong man! He is anointed of God for a purpose and the Lord will not allow him to leave this world until that purpose is done...praise the Lord. Jack is now on medicine to dissolve the blood clot in his leg, and home from the hospital. Thank you Jesus for your mercy and your grace.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Blessing of Submission and the Power of Sacrifice

Is submission giving? God loves a cheerful giver. God blesses those who give without strings, without grudging. Is submission a sure road to disaster and despair? God never allows disaster nor despair when we fully trust in Him, lean on Him and not our own understanding. What awesome blessing flows from resting in His everlasting Arms. Is submission labor? Come unto me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest, says our God of ultimate submission. "Not my will, but yours". Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine. Is submission an art, like the weaving of a tapestry. A perfect blending of God's will and command to create a beautiful masterpiece in me when I am submissive to His perfect plan. No greater blessing comes than with the assured knowledge one is in the perfect will of God, no matter how it may "feel". Is submission a sacrifice? Can I live peaceably within my own soul, without stress and without anger, without complaint. Godliness with contentment is great gain. The ease and strength with which one submits is directly related to ones total sacrifice of self to following the will of God. And there is no greater power, no greater assurance of a fulfilled life, a life pleasing to God than one of submission and sacrifice. Submit to prayer - sacrifice your time. Submit to fasting - sacrifice your pleasures. Submit to authority - sacrifice self will and selfishness, follow God's plan not my own. Submit to leaders, husbands, study, the great commission of teaching Jesus Christ to the lost, again sacrifice self will and selfish goals. What comes with all this submission? THE POWER of sacrifice and the strength through that power to do God's bidding and His will. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". "When I am weak, then am I strong"
Now dead to sin and selfish ambition, cleansed by the authority of the Word of God, now truly content and fulfilled like never imagined. Beyond comprehension is the power and peace that comes with submission and sacrifice. I thought I would find heart ache, disaster and ruin in submission. When I finally rested in the truth and assurance of God's word and without anger, nor complaint, refusing to allow stress and worry to overtake my heart and mind, I submitted. Immediately I found instead, perfect peace and a power to live for God like I have never experienced. I have experienced a deeper respect and love for my husband than I ever imagined possible. I am truly happy and content. God is in control. He is taking care of all my children and grandchildren. He is there for my brother and sisters and their families. All they need do is call upon Him.
There is no sweeter blessing than submission and no power more profound than the personal power of sacrifice.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Still Enjoying the Birds

We have been 3 weeks in our new location. A house. A garage and a coming together workshop.
A tub, very skinny, the plug doesn't work to keep the water in. A new neighborhood in winter when everyone is inside. I think a neighbor is some sort of either Ham Operator or CB - large antenna outside.
The bird feeder went up the first day. In Colorado there are birds of prey a plenty and the smaller birds of "catch" are very wary.
Yesterday I saw evidence that our feeder was being frequented by feathered friends. I sat at the window, camera in hand and waited. Not long and some sparrows and chickadees made their hasty snatch of seeds and flew quickly away. Some finches came as well (I think). I cannot explain the shear happiness to see those birds, especially the black capped chickadees. After all Blackcapped Chickadees are the Maine State Bird...and knowing that makes me feel like they flew all the way to Colorado to stop by our feeder for a visit to say hello. I am so very happy to see them. I know that is probably not the case. They probably live here year round. Still - I love their song, and I love seeing them at the feeder. This was a true blessing, especially this weekend, as family and friends gathered to celebrate Tucker's first birthday and I was here so far away. The chickadees came to visit. And I am very thankful.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Anniversay Movie Treat

I just watched the movie "Julie and Julia" with my husband and have been stirred to blog again. Over the Christmas holiday we moved from our apartment to a house. One bedroom to three. One bathroom to two. One car garage to a very large two car garage. Jack is building a shop in the garage for his instrument repair hobby/business. I am thinking about stained glass. I took a class once, the instructors were dishonest and after shelling out more than twice the stated fee for class and a piece I angrily quit. There are some reputable places here in Colorado where lessons are taught. Who knows. Maybe I will give it another try.
It is quiet in our house. In the morning we can hear a train whistle off in the distance, we like that a lot. We see birds flying around, but as of yet, they have not found our feeder. Hope they do soon. In driving around the neighborhood we found a very nice park about a mile away. I can ride my bike there and around the park and back home, I like that alot too.

When the clutter is stored away and boxes are unpacked and stored away, I will post pictures of our new place