Monday, November 24, 2008

Sunny Day Hanging In Denver Watching The Geese

Downtown Denver on Lincoln St near the civic center and government buildings
Geese grazing at the Cherry Creek Park, near our apartment complex, a couple of these fellas are actually strutting funny!

Denver's City Park...the Denver Zoo is on the other side of the lake

Geese at Denver's City Park

What a beautiful day, blue skies, sunshine, 60's .... November!

This past weekend I was on call for the GI unit at Presbyterian/St Luke's Hospital. That meant
we couldn't go farther than 30 minutes from the hospital. So we drove around downtown...hard to take pictures when I was driving. There are lots and lots of city parks in Denver. That is a wonderful thing. Saturday was so sunny, and warm and blue skies. We rolled down the windows and listened to the geese. Thousands of geese. In every park area we went to. Unafraid of human presence. Grazing geese. A honk here and there, mostly grazing. And when the sun began to set, they all moved to the little lakes in the parks and swam to middle to spend the night in safety. The nice thing about being on call here is that there are GI units in at least three other Denver hospitals. That means all the call is shared, as the doctors are shared as well. I did not have to go in for an emergency procedure for the entire weekend. Nice. Sunny skies and just hanging out in Denver.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Wow, looks beautiful there... what is that? BLUE SKY????? Not much of that around here... The geese are cool... I saw a flock of about 20 wild turkeys on the side of Route 2A on my way to work Monday... that was neat!