Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Challenge

I challenged Pastor. During Wednesday evening Bible Study he spoke of the early church. He spoke of spirituality. He handed out a paper with a list of "check your spirituality rating" for everyone to look at. We are encouraged to examine our lives in relation to what we think to be spiritual is, and do we make the grade. Some have lost a certain amount of spirituality over the years, some have deepened their walk with the Lord. Life will throw us curves once in a while and our choices in life determine some of our outcomes. How much do I pray and is it meaningful? A good question. How much do I fast, how often and is that meaningful? Another good question. How much do I read the word of God and study it, then apply it to my everyday life. Another good question. I have lots of reasons to excuse myself from needful spiritual behavior. As a new convert, I didn't know how to act as a Christian, it is learned behavior. It is being in love with Jesus Christ and wanting to please Him above all else. Selfishness is not learned and I was quite selfish. As a new convert I would frequently look into God's Word for direction. He would tell me, to cast down arguments and every high thing(pride) that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.(for a real clear look at what all THAT means, check out 2 Corinthians 10:5 in the Message Bible) What is love? He told me in 1 Corinthians 13. If I want to be treated that way, I need to treat others that way. Am I still so in love with Jesus that nothing else in this world matters as much as being with Him in times of intimacy (prayer), of banqueting with Him (fasting) and in one on one devotional time learning of Him (Bible reading). So, the CHALLENGE! Are we ready to hear how we are doing. Over and over I hear from different pulpits that "the American church is soft, thin skinned and cannot take admonishment and grow with it". Is that true? Or are our leaders fearful of the results reprimand and admonition will bring? Are we, the church ready to be transparent? Or is that even necessary. Do we want revival or are we so comfortable in our own 4 and no more world that lost souls can just go to hell without ever hearing of a Saviour who loves them so much He died for them, just like He died for me. What happened to the joy and the zeal of serving the Lord. Is it still there, yet, matured?

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Wonderful! Pastor made quite an impact with this message. Check out the post on my blog too! :) Love you!