Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Couldn't help but add a new picture of Tucker .... isn't he just the cutest little boy ......

On to the story.....

Yes, yes we know there are many birds in Denver...especially geese! However; today, to our absolute delight, a bird or two visited our little feeder just off our patio, and Jack got some pictures. Amazing how this little visit boosted our spirits. Not that there was any need for boosting mind you, a wonderful little blessing is welcome anytime!

We are looking forward to consistent warm weather, even some rain, a good soaking would be good for the dry Denver area.

So here is the bird, perched on our new feeder. A local squirrel has also discovered the feeder, but seems the feeder is not conducive to the squirrel's hanging around as it were, and the holes for the seed are situated in such a way as to mandate unusual contortions the squirrel was not able to maintain. Hilarious! Not only that, Jack's quick trot to shoo away the squirrel with a loud boo, fended off the intruder.
**in the original post I had the birds as the main story...but, truly...Tucker is the main story, birds are the delightful sideline!

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1 comment:

Going4jesus said...

tucker is awful cute!!! and those birds are great hope to you when you come for another visit to vermont