Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day

Today is Monday, Labor Day and I have it off. How very nice to have an extra day off. Slept in. We have no plans. Peter (my brother) called and we went to Mt Philo in Charlotte for a picnic with Pat(Peters friend). It was a beautiful day. Sunny and warm. We ate..healthy of course..we did bring grapes! (and donuts)...walked around. Stopped at the Shelburne Country Store and bought some ginger hard candy...I just love all forms of ginger., and some candles. Jack will be starting his online Band Instrument Repair Course soon and he needed some items from Sears. After dropping Peter and Pat off we went to Sears and picked up a small bench vise and glue gun. A quick stop to pick up printer paper and we were home . Peter be quick had pictures already downloaded and emailed of our outing. This digital photography is fun. I was pooped. So thought that a quick nap would work before I'd be off to prayer. When I woke it was 7:30pm. Decided to watch preaching from IBC instead. Watched Bro. Mooney at the 2007 Music Fest and Bro. Francis (I think). Powerful preaching and music. Can't go to bed without reading Northern Apostolic Mom, and here I am blogging myself. Tomorrow I hope to stop by and visit Sam. I wanted to do that today, but my nap was longer than I imagined it would be and ate away too much time. Hopefully sleep will come tonight without too much difficulty. Michelle emailed a link to a very powerful song on "Standing in the Gap..and pray" I absolutely love it. Hopefully she will put it on her blog so you can link to it. She and I have yet to get together so she can teach me some basics of links and pictures. It will happen, and we will have fun. Perhaps we can invite the family over for dinner. Oh what a novel idea! Well, I will try to sleep now. Work tomorrow. A short week. Friday through Monday I will be oncall. God bless you. Grace and peace in your heart and life.

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