Friday, September 5, 2008

OK, Lord, I'm Waiting

I just love the way the Lord works. He opens doors. Whispers in that still small voice. Let's us know He is up to something, then has us wait.
Getting ready? Focusing on Him. Was it the first opportunity that was the open door we were to go through? Did we miss it? Or is He having us wait til that just in time, on the edge, hair raising, near the end of the rope moment - the one where all our trust and faith can be only and completely in Him, because He truly is the only one who can pull it off....time. Then again, time is nothing to our sweet Saviour. Except the eternity of time He so desires to spend with His called and chosen. His royal priesthood of peculiar peoples, who said Yes, when He asked... and followed when He beckoned. Who are so overwhelmingly grateful for His sacrifice for our sins and in love with Him that nothing He askes is too much or too hard or any other petty reason we use to not follow Him and His word completely.
So here we wait for the opportunity... Lots of possibilities has been paraded before our eyes. Maybe it isn't an opportunity He is presenting to us, maybe it is the sure thing He has called us out to do, that place to go.
Still, I just love the way He does things. Last nights Bible Study made what we are doing right now solid rock standing ground. So on this rock we stand until The Lord says go. And I will say " Here am I Lord...send me"

1 comment:

VTBeanbag said...

Sis Carter,
Thank you so much for blogging so honestly about what is happening with y'all.
Dan and I are in a similar spot. We feel that it is time to move on, time to grow, time to change, but also feel that we are needing to wait right now. Opportunity after opportunity has presented itself, yet the doors remain closed.
The last door that closed was a door that caused some hurt for us, but I kept saying, "Hon, God will provide. It's okay." Know what Dan said? He said, "God is providing. He has been providing. Who are we to complain." It opened my eyes a little bit.
Thank you again, Sis Carter. I truly appreciate you.