Monday, February 1, 2010

2010 - the beginning - Amazing!

January has been a full, rewarding, exciting month! Such a fabulous way to start off the new year. 2010 is off to a good start for us. I have to be honest, it is very fulfilling seeing the events unfold as they have, and I can see God's hand in every thing!

Tucker and George...aren't they and awesome pair..dashing George and cuter than cute Tucker.
George has been in school for plumbing and has also gotten hired on in full time work. With
unemployment nationally at 10% that is so very good! George is a hard worker and once his schooling is finished he will be able to get the work of his choosing I am sure, and with the Lords
help...who knows what may be on the horizon. I believe with the Lords help both George and Laurel will see their dreams come true!

And here is Tucker and Laurel. Tucker still cute as a button and mom, so proud and, in my opinion lovely.Laurel is a hard working mom, dedicated to her family and she deserves lots of accolades. Laurel and George celebrated Tuckers first birthday in grand style. We hear all had a wonderful time and although I was unable to attend, I did receive pictures which are looked at and relished daily. Happy 1st Birthday Tucker! Congratulations George on your job,keep up the great work in your school! Strong work Laurel, you are greatly admired and loved.

In September the Mitchell family moved to Colorado. They came for a visit and felt the call of God to relocate and dedicate their lives to Him. So by faith they moved, placed their children in Christian School and God provided all they needed for 4 months. Places to live, initially with Jack and I, then their own apartment, then a car. Now the amazing thing is Ben did not have a job initially. Yet God was providing things that needed to be paid for. Ben had saved, and used some of his savings, yet God still made a way for them to live with out a job four 4 months. They knew He would provide, and God did! Today Ben started his new job with the State of Colorado. His second interview for the job was last week, and a day later he was offered the job. God is so good! It will be exciting to watch as they continue to dedicate their lives to the Lord and see where He leads and what comes next. Praise the Lord for His constant provision! So thankful to have Ben and Stacy, Meghan, Michael and Elana here in Colorado, they have helped to fill a void in my heart and are constant source of joy for Jack and I. (not that our other children aren't - they all are...Ben and Stace are closest)

The Ziter's have their special news as well. Jason now a full time firefighter/EMT a life long ambition come to pass, with hard work and prayer and persistence. Jason is also a minister with his limited ministerial license and plans to spend the year studying for his General License (between working and family activities). The Ziter's recently moved to a wonderful new home. New community (So Hero), new schools for their two sons Adam and Nick. Jason and I had a wonderful long chat on the phone tonight, and all his news just warmed my heart. Adam and Nick were warmly greeted and made some new acquaintances at their new school. Michelle said her first drive into work was a breeze with little traffic only taking 20 minutes. Jason also works as a Deputy Sheriff for Grand Isle County and will be closer to home for that job. I am excited to see what the Lord will do in Grand Isle County with Holy Ghost filled folks ready to do His will! Praise the Lord for His provision! Praise the Lord for His Goodness and His Mercy and His Grace! Praise the Lord for good outcomes, good reports and a new year starting on such a positive fulfilling note! May God richly bless these wonderful families - from a mom as proud and happy as she can be.

(Jack's picture is supposed to be here...oh well)

Last but by no means least is my wonderful honey, Jack. He recently had a significant health issue, and the Lord protected Jack from dire consequences. Jack is my companion and confidant, he is my source of comfort and strength, my sounding board and shoulder to lean on. I am so grateful that God kept His hand on Jack and that we have more days together to share our families and each other. I pray that Jack's talents the Lord has gifted him with may be used mightily in the coming days and months and years to give God incredible glory! The glory He so rightly deserves.

Grace and peace ones all......


Michelle said...

What a wonderful post! We do have an amazing family, don't we? I love you so much!

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