Friday, January 22, 2010

Who would have thought that earlier in the day this picture was taken, Jack suffered a Pulmonary Embolism, blood clot in his lung. He had tuned a piano, walked several flights of stairs that he thought caused him to nearly faint. Sudden shortness of breath, nausea and a feeling of being, as he put it "really sickish". After resting for several minutes, still feeling weak, he drove from Castle Rock to home. A quick afternoon nap and he was ready to go to the park with Ben, Stacy and our grand kids, Meghan, Mike and Elana. We had a grand time at the park and as the sun began to set Jack got chilled. Walking up hill back to the car was a real chore for him and he puffed on some oxygen we had in the car for when we were in high altitudes. Jack slept soundly and on Sunday morning our Pastor asked him to play his clarinet for the evening church service. So home again for a nap and about 45 minutes practice. Jack still short of breath, but felt the nudge of the Lord to play. At church he asked the pastor and Bishop to pray for him before he played. Such anointing. "Just a Closer Walk With Thee" with piano (Ben) and drums (Sam Kelly) really blessed the entire congregation. Jack was thrilled to have to opportunity to use the talent God has gifted him with in such a beautiful and anointed song. Home again, he continued to feel weak and short of breath. Monday he rested all day, little exertion caused a winded sensation. Tuesday resting for the day and in the evening we went to church, afterwards Jack commented on how his breathing was frightening at times, but he was glad to be over "the worst of it", or so it seemed. Wednesday I was up early for work, kissed Jack and headed out, Jack still in bed. By the time I got to work, Jack was on the phone. He could not put his pants on, breathing very difficult. I checked with work and returned home immediately. After a call to our doctor we went to the ER at our local hospital. North Suburban. Tests were inconclusive, but the doctor felt he should be admitted. A day later and some tests in, it was determined Jack had a blood clot from one of his legs let go and travel to his lungs. He survived. He played with his grandchildren, went to church, played his clarinet with the gifted anointing of a master...all with a very serious and life threatening condition! My man is a strong man! He is anointed of God for a purpose and the Lord will not allow him to leave this world until that purpose is done...praise the Lord. Jack is now on medicine to dissolve the blood clot in his leg, and home from the hospital. Thank you Jesus for your mercy and your grace.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Wow, considering what could have been, it is so easy to see the hand of God on Jack! He is awesome!! We are thrilled that Jack is doing better!