Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mallow Delights

We were camping at Crystal Lake. Of course when you go camping you just HAVE to have a campfire. And when you have a campfire...marshmallows are a must! S'mores are a treat many enjoy. Jack and I find them way too sweet and a bit on the messy side. It is fun to be daring and adventurous when cooking. We didn't have chocolate or gram crackers. We did have peanut butter and banana. Cut banana into bite size pieces. Put a dab of peanut butter on top. Roast your marshmallow to just perfect, how you like it. Carefully spear the banana/peanut butter morsel on top of already cooked marshmallow. Enjoy. It really is quite tasty, and still just a little messy! But then that is some of the fun.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

oooooo interesting recipie! Will have to try it out! How are things at the campground? I miss you!