Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Blessing of Submission and the Power of Sacrifice

Is submission giving? God loves a cheerful giver. God blesses those who give without strings, without grudging. Is submission a sure road to disaster and despair? God never allows disaster nor despair when we fully trust in Him, lean on Him and not our own understanding. What awesome blessing flows from resting in His everlasting Arms. Is submission labor? Come unto me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest, says our God of ultimate submission. "Not my will, but yours". Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine. Is submission an art, like the weaving of a tapestry. A perfect blending of God's will and command to create a beautiful masterpiece in me when I am submissive to His perfect plan. No greater blessing comes than with the assured knowledge one is in the perfect will of God, no matter how it may "feel". Is submission a sacrifice? Can I live peaceably within my own soul, without stress and without anger, without complaint. Godliness with contentment is great gain. The ease and strength with which one submits is directly related to ones total sacrifice of self to following the will of God. And there is no greater power, no greater assurance of a fulfilled life, a life pleasing to God than one of submission and sacrifice. Submit to prayer - sacrifice your time. Submit to fasting - sacrifice your pleasures. Submit to authority - sacrifice self will and selfishness, follow God's plan not my own. Submit to leaders, husbands, study, the great commission of teaching Jesus Christ to the lost, again sacrifice self will and selfish goals. What comes with all this submission? THE POWER of sacrifice and the strength through that power to do God's bidding and His will. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". "When I am weak, then am I strong"
Now dead to sin and selfish ambition, cleansed by the authority of the Word of God, now truly content and fulfilled like never imagined. Beyond comprehension is the power and peace that comes with submission and sacrifice. I thought I would find heart ache, disaster and ruin in submission. When I finally rested in the truth and assurance of God's word and without anger, nor complaint, refusing to allow stress and worry to overtake my heart and mind, I submitted. Immediately I found instead, perfect peace and a power to live for God like I have never experienced. I have experienced a deeper respect and love for my husband than I ever imagined possible. I am truly happy and content. God is in control. He is taking care of all my children and grandchildren. He is there for my brother and sisters and their families. All they need do is call upon Him.
There is no sweeter blessing than submission and no power more profound than the personal power of sacrifice.


Michelle said...

Oh. My. God. It is as if you have been listening to my conversations with God the past few days!! I have struggled IMMENSELY with this very thing, and last night at service, God dealt directly with me on this very subject. I am struggling terribly with worry, stress, anger, etc etc and God was very direct about my lack of submission to my husband's authority. He told me my husband cannot be the head of the household he is intended to be when I am kicking and screaming and throwing a temper tantrum and being selfish. Ouch. Thank you thank you thank you for being sensitive to the Spirit and writing in in obedience. I will read this over and over until I glean from it all God wants me to hear and understand. I love you!

Grammie Betimes said...

I sent a copy to Pastor Cousino for his thoughts and he emailed me with some very good insight. You and me both are hearing from the Lord.