Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Anniversay Movie Treat

I just watched the movie "Julie and Julia" with my husband and have been stirred to blog again. Over the Christmas holiday we moved from our apartment to a house. One bedroom to three. One bathroom to two. One car garage to a very large two car garage. Jack is building a shop in the garage for his instrument repair hobby/business. I am thinking about stained glass. I took a class once, the instructors were dishonest and after shelling out more than twice the stated fee for class and a piece I angrily quit. There are some reputable places here in Colorado where lessons are taught. Who knows. Maybe I will give it another try.
It is quiet in our house. In the morning we can hear a train whistle off in the distance, we like that a lot. We see birds flying around, but as of yet, they have not found our feeder. Hope they do soon. In driving around the neighborhood we found a very nice park about a mile away. I can ride my bike there and around the park and back home, I like that alot too.

When the clutter is stored away and boxes are unpacked and stored away, I will post pictures of our new place

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