Sunday, December 23, 2007

Nearly Christmas

Well would you just look at the dates! Yikes. Yikes yikes! (that is a double yikes). The entire month has nearly flown by and I haven't visited with you, my blog friends. So sorry. Right now it is very windy and raining outside.The rain drops are so big that they sound like heavy balls hitting the pavement, ground and building...OOOooooo...wierd. We have had 2 major snow storms already this month with snow falls totalling nearly 24 inches! It has been awesome. I have a real strong desire to get some new cross country ski equipment and just hit the trails...I had to think better of the idea, since something is amiss with my right foot...much pain much of the time. So, one of my son's has offered me his "gazelle" exercise thing to use...I can't wait to get it. I will work out regularly and if I can tolerate that - then I will get the skis. I need to regain control of my buldging waist hip and thigh circumferences...arms, chest, neck, face, fingers, and toes are in there as well. In the buldging category. It is just an all over thing, no discrimination with this body! WOW, the wind outside really howling. Amtrak just raced by. Did I tell you I live right next to the RR crossing. I like the trains, so does my husband. We get as much a kick out of watching them go by as our grandchildren do. OK, so it is nearly Christmas. All my wrapping is done. Food and necessary items have been delivered to their rightful places in preparation for the upcoming family gathering and celebrations. I am looking forward to Jack and I having a quiet Christmas morning together here at home. Just he and I sharing some gifts and a time of prayer and scripture. It is very special. Then off to my brother's home for breakfast, family arriving, gifts and a major feast! Thankfully that is the extent of the travelling this year.
God bless you all. I will try to have pictures to share.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

We will be thinking of you on Christmas morning... eating your sausage egg bake... yum!!!! Love you lots, from far away! See you next week! Love, Michelle