Sunday, December 30, 2007

Welcome Home Ziters

Ok, so, I added these three pictures after I wrote the blog, hoping they would come in at the end....but Ohhhhh Noooooo, even when the cursor is at the end of the blog..nope, these have got to go first, but, what the heck as they say, they are great family pictures and they made it to the blog! Hooray for that!

The Ziter family spent much of their Christmas holiday in Maryland with the Ziter family there. They had a great time visitng with Alan,Winnie and the rest of the family. They got cultured in Washington DC, had great rides on the metro, and excellent weather for both trips to and from Maryland. Church there was awesome for them as well. Our God is so good.
Now that they are home, we had a dinner and gift exchange here. In a couple weeks, they will be off for another holiday celebration in Brookfield. What a fun time. Tonight we ate, laughed, Meghan showed us her missing tooth! Peter brought two yummy pies, but had to leave early because he is feeling a bit under the weather with a cough and a cold. Just as I got the grandkids settled into their games, and was ready to sit and relax, Peter was pretty wiped out and excused himself for the rest of the evening. It is good he is taking care of himself. We saved him some pie.

Elana sitting in the antique chair

The travelling Ziters

As you can tell, I still haven't perfected the pictures thing. But you can be sure I am working on it! Here a little there a little.

Big smiles from Stacy
Elana eating lasagna all by herself!

We all had a good time. We missed George and Laurel not being able to be with us. George's work schedule uncertain, and if he had to work tonight it would have been a lot of travelling and a lot of money for gas. I really missed them.
All in all we had a wonderful time. Ben worked on a slide presentation for tomorrow night's Watch Night Service at church. Talk about time crunch. So here it is, very late. I am filled to the brim with lasagna, salad, pie and good visiting. Oh, and did I tell you about the garlic bread? Well, after opening all the doors and windows and fanning the smoke detector we finally got the alarm to go off. Fortunately Jack had bought rolls for those who didn't like garlic bread, so there was plenty of bread to go around.
Happy New Year! May the grace and peace of God fill your hearts and minds and souls. And may you know for yourself this wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ, whose birth we have been celebrating this past week. Just get alone in a quiet place, and ask Him..."Jesus, if you are real, please show yourself to me." He will, He wants you to know Him and He wants to be your most trusted and best friend. He wants to be your personal Savior. Love (aunt)grammie Bea - times

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