Monday, October 1, 2007

Florida and General Conference

Arrived home, in Vermont, from our trip to Florida...Tampa that is. Some time to enjoy Florida and then General Conference for the UPCI. Now for some wonderful blogging about conference, go to ... ok ok, another lesson from Michelle needed, for now try to cut and paste the address. Florida was hot, humid and rainy. Though most of the days did have sun and were pleasant. We did encounter one heavy downpour while traveling, bringing the traffic to a crawl, I was thankful. I have to admit, I do enjoy the hot.We went to church in Tampa on Sunday - met many nice people and a wonderful family that blessed us with hospitality and friendship. The Smoots. They are all special people. Henry, Kathy and Dorothy...thank you for your kindness and help. Church was anointed and set the stage for General conference. Monday Wanda and I did some traveling. Tuesday we drove into Tampa, which gave me chest pain. Yikes it is a big city with big city traffic. Lorraine joined us Tuesday evening and we got ready to go to Conference. Wednesday morning we did the tourist thing in Madeira Beach - shops and restaurants. Then off to the PMA music fest. Wonderful. Thursday was Ladies Day in the morning, and opening session in the evening. We were at the conference all day and late into the evening...and were tired puppies by the end of the day. Friday an all day session again at the conference with Youth Service and the Foreign Mission Service. The anointing wonderful. The messages powerful. God is God everywhere, and the burdens of the hearts of the ministry were shared. Comical moments were interlaced with anointing and serious considerations. It was a time of renewal and commitment, and splendid confirmation that Jesus Christ in Vermont is the same as He is in Tampa and India and Africa and Australia and Chicago and California. We all gathered to worship our Lord from all corners of this nation and the world. It was wonderful seeing so many believers of like precious faith.
Home now, and a renewed effort to reach out to people who do not know Jesus Christ for themselves. Oh, how He loves everyone and wants to take us up into His arms to heal, to help to strengthen and to set free from bondage's that hold us back from being all that we can be. So, enjoy your life, but most of all, get to know Jesus Christ, let Him into your heart and soul...if you're not sure how, send me a comment, and I will be happy to introduce you to the most wonderful of all.

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