Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Unveiling the Masks

Our pastor is going to college right now. Actually the entire congregation is in college with him. He is so loving his courses and shares some of his newly acquired knowledge and facts with us on a regular basis. Neuropsychology is what we are all learning about now. Applying the actual physical workings of our body to the way our minds and thoughts work. Our senses and our sensabilities. Our perceptions of our world and how our brain processes those perceptions. He very skillfully shows how all is in the our physical bodies work and the spiritual application of physical to spiritual lives. HUH? you say. Ok. Though our eyes we see. Stuff comes in and goes to the brain. The brain interprets what the eyes send it. Because of the way our eyes are made, we all have a blind spot for each eye. So here comes the signal from the eyes to the brain...with some gaps. Now, our brains are pretty smart, and clever, and fills in the gaps and will also make adjustments in the interpretation of the whole thing so the gaps make sense in our own understanding. OK. Next. We also have our outward showing self, our inward hidden inner self, our masks and our little deceptions. All this is clearly laid out in scripture. What does it all come to. God knows every thing about us. Every minute detail. We try to act one way for people to see so they believe we are that way, when we really know we are not. Then we act certain ways because of unseen and unknown stuff hidden in our depths (gaps) we are not even aware of. Then there is the real us...or me. And what God wants is for us to be honest with Him, honest with ourselves and transparent to others so nothing can hide. He is willing to heal our inner most depths, our hidden pains and hurts and brokeness. We need to be willing and open and honest for the Holy Ghost to reveal to us where the areas of our lives need work, and be willing to do the work to fix the problem. Prayer is where this happens. The message was excellent. I am hoping it will make the web site of our church so I can listen again.

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