Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Test Is Done

Life brings to us many tests. Some tests happen just by living, tests of faith, tests of patience, tests of commitment, confidence, character...knowledge. Most tests provide us an opportunity for growth and the chance for a deepening of character, faith, commitment, confidence, patience. Tests. Today I took a test to evaluate the knowledge I have gained through study and work. Study, study, read, study, read, review and study some more. I choose to take this test. Months ago the decision was made, the money paid (a tidy sum, I might add) and today the test. I drove to just outside Boston, Winchester, Mass, to take the test. There were 35 of us taking the test. From Philadelphia to Maine nurses gathered to be tested, and we all choose to do it. WHY??? A sense of accomplishment, of pride and commitment to the work we do. Not one of us will receive any monetary compensation at our places of work for taking and passing this test. On purpose testing. This is a good type of test. Some aren't so good, aren't chosen on purpose, but fall our way. At times our steps and choices lead us to tests we would rather not encounter. Never the less we are tested. And today. This test in done. 175 questions covering GI nursing. Critical thinking. Nursing practice and research. This test is done! In 5 weeks I will hear the result. Oh that the results of all our tests could be thus known. Pass. Fail. Grow. Learn. Develop. Mature. Patience. Strength. Compassion.


Michelle said...

Wow... deep. Thought provoking. I'm sure you passed the test just fine. Love you!

Grammie Betimes said...

Arrggghhh,it was hard, I have no idea how I did.