Monday, October 15, 2007

An Idea Gone Web!

Have you ever had an idea that seemed like a good one? Good, partly because it made sense to you and you had an interest in seeing it come to fruition...or come to pass so you yourself could benefit. I enjoy reading my daughter-in-law's blog. I keep up with their family happenings, get to see up to date pictures of everyone, she provides interesting and fun links, it is rather a good time. Writers of blogs are uninhibited by an editor or review board. There is a special freedom in blogging, as well as an awareness that someone who doesn't know you could be reading your thoughts. Blogging is sharing wholly and randomly and kind of anonymously, kind of. So I shared my blogging idea with my Pastor. Wouldn't it be so neat to have church members blog on our web page, so visitors could read how exciting and fun and common place the life of an Apostolic Christian is?!!? To see for themselves (the web page visitors) our walk with God, our daily steps ordered by Him and how following Biblical principles and relying on Jesus Christ for strength is soooo helpful. I am glad to be a Christian, cannot imagine any other way to live that could bring such joy and peace and grace, even in troubled times. To see how God is good all the time. I was initially told, it would be too complicated to have a blog site on our church's web page. OK, I understand that, being particularly handicapped in the IT department and technically challeneged, after all I am Grammie Betimes. SO, today I am surfing my favorite web places and find that sure enough, there is a link on our church web page to "Member Blogs". I didn't know that had been done! Yikes! There is my blog! And my lovely daughter-in-laws. OK, what a good idea! Now lets get more members blogging. I can think of at least three women that have much wisdom and fun to share. And our Pastor is a great blogger. Yes, we will have to get some of the men blogging too! Oh, what a good idea! Yikes! Off to study now. Until next time, Grace and Peace to you and yours.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I agree! Pastor is an excellent blogger, and once he finishes with all his college courses, he should BLOG!!!